GDPR George

GDPR Systems Logo featuring GDPR George

GDPR George in his own style has teamed up with GDPR Systems to produce educational one minute videos on The GDPR. GDPR George takes on the task of explaining the more complex GDPR issues through a pop quiz, telephone calls to his favourite absolutely non-embarrassing company and what makes you a Data Controller and not a Data Processor.  GDPR solutions are GDPR George’s favourite things after saliva and his mobile foam of course.

Why Should I Care About GDPR?

GDPR George explains why you should care about GDPR personal data.

What IS Personal Data?

GDPR George explains what some GDPR personal data is via a pop quiz.

Data Subject rights and policies and procedures

GDPR George tests the absolutely non-embarrassing company on their Data Subject rights and policies and procedures.

Am I GDPR ready?

GDPR George explains one of the aspects of being GDPR Ready.

Am I a Data Controller or Data Processor?

GDPR George explains what makes you a Data Controller and not a Data Processor.

Want to know more? Give us a call or email us on Tel:01865 600 410 |