Purchase the CCTV GDPR Solution Now
A simple to use GDPR CCTV solution for all of your CCTV devices (Breachable Assets) including the correct legal policies and procedures.
Personal data is often seen as information such as email addresses, bank details, social media details, passwords to name but a few. It is fair to say that by and large, CCTV images have been perceived as the ‘distant cousin’ of this type of data.
However, with the new GDPR & DPA 2018 legislation now in place (since May 25th, 2018) this is about to change on a massive scale!
CCTV data is arguably some of the most personal data that your company can handle. For example, CCTV images can be used to identify:
- who you are with
- what you are doing
- what religion
- where you were going
- where you were at a point in time
- if you have a medical condition
and because of this, CCTV images needs to be treated with the same respect as more traditional forms of personal data.
What does the CCTV GDPR system offer you?
- A simple to use place to list all of your cameras and storage devices (Breachable Assets).
- The ability to document all of your security standards for all devices and transmission of data.
- Assign levels of responsibility to all relevant staff members.
- A Clear indication of where the weaknesses in your system lie.
- Produce and house up to date legal policies and procedures.
- Produce immediately useable summary reports for both management and the ICO.
- The ability to update system details should an asset fail and be replaced.
- Includes a staff training log for all CCTV training received.
Who is it for?
Any business that has a working CCTV system of any kind. The price is for one CCTV site per purchase with a maximum of 30 assets.
Purchase the CCTV GDPR Solution Now
Want to know more? Give us a call or email us on Tel:01865 600 410 | info@GDPRsystems.co.uk